DDTC Licensing Office Poised for Reorganization
According to an Industry Notice posted on the U.S. Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) website, effective Monday, April 20, 2015, the Office of Defense Trade Controls Licensing (DTCL) will undergo a reorganization. Export Control Reform (ECR) has caused a 36% drop in licensing volume and has created a disparity in the volume of cases among the current divisions. Since 2013, DTCL has also experienced some downsizing through attrition. The new organizational structure will be leaner and will appropriately balance personnel and commodity volume to reflect the post-ECR environment while enabling DTCL to work toward meeting the directorate’s strategic goals.
DTCL will be reorganized into four operational divisions:
• Space, Missile, and Sensor Systems;
• Electronic and Training Systems;
• Sea, Land, and Air Systems; and
• Light Weapons and Personal Protective Equipment Systems.
In addition, a division for Plans, Personnel, Programs, and Procedures will consolidate many of the functions that were previously included in Division 7 as well as those functions that were distributed across other parts of DTCL. The new organizational chart is depicted here. Other portions of the DDTC website will be updated the weekend prior to implementation.
D-Trade will be configured to automatically route cases to the proper division based on the USML commodities on the application; no action is required by industry to adjust applications as a result of this reorganization.