Export Control Assistance in Mongolia

Export Control Assistance in Mongolia

CTP recently managed a cooperative activity in Mongolia, gathering experts from the U.S. Department of State and the Government of Mongolia to further refine their draft law on Strategic Trade Controls. This event, held Nov. 5-7th at the Government House, is CTP’s most recent task in our long running support of the Export Control and Border Security (EXBS) office, totaling over 600 activities in 60+ countries over nearly twenty years. This and other workshops are conducted with cooperating countries under the auspices of UN Security Resolution 1540, designed to help prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

In the photo, from right:

  • G. Narangua, Government Officer, Cabinet Secretariat
  • Toomas Raba, Expert , CTP, EXBS,
  • Robin Schwartzman, Senior Legal Expert, CTP, EXBS
  • N. Enkhtuya, Head of Legal Department, Cabinet Secretariat
  • David Wyche, Economic/Commercial Section Chief
  • P. Darisuren Economic Assistant

Details available on the U.S. Embassy site: http://mongolia.usembassy.gov/pr_111314.html

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